Saturday, September 28, 2013

Happy birthday, Mike!

     You would have been 42 today. This year what I miss the most is the opportunity to have known you today. As I continue to grow and get to know myself as myself, a mom and a wife I feel like I would have had a lot in common with you. It seems like we would understand each other, both battling our demons and pursuing our goals in life. I feel lucky and proud to say that my my demons are loosing. I keep picking myself up and we've been making great strides moving forward. I have a wonderful family with Kerrigan,  Fionnegan an Corrianna. You would love our kids. Fionn is glad to be named after you. It's all of our feast days tomorrow:) My goal this year is project completion both dreamt and started ones. A happiest of birthdays to you up in heaven.

